
Total World Records: ??
Country: US

Stars Earned

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World mode enabled - Comparing scores to current world records.

Song Title Artist Level Score Delta Ranking Gap Grade WR Date
Got The Rhythm Fracus & Darwin feat. Becca Hossany 24 59206 -40794 -23497 100000 2024-06-23 20:36:57
Megalovania Toby Fox 21 78580 -21420 -9446 100000 2024-06-23 20:40:17
Beethoven Virus BanYa 22 37340 -62660 -30327 100000 2024-06-23 20:38:37
The Call of Wilderness Electron 22 79376 -20624 -9982 100000 2024-08-25 03:08:37
Bust It Out FWLR 24 67026 -32974 -18993 100000 2024-08-25 03:11:25
Falling In Love No Hero & Nino Rivera 22 69900 -30100 -14568 100000 2024-08-25 03:05:48