
Total World Records: ??
Country: KR

Stars Earned

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World mode enabled - Comparing scores to current world records.

Song Title Artist Level Score Delta Ranking Gap Grade WR Date
Gargoyle Sanxion7 24 309 -99691 -57422 100000 2024-08-10 03:22:49
MAX428 Omega 27 1506 -98316 -71672 99822 2024-08-10 04:05:23
Electro Asia Re-venge Phoenix 21 89976 -10024 -4421 100000 2024-08-10 03:15:21
Beethoven Virus BanYa 22 81665 -18335 -8874 100000 2024-08-10 03:52:32
Press Start MDK 23 89850 -10150 -5369 100000 2024-08-10 03:31:32
Para-Symptoms 165 23 79188 -20812 -11010 100000 2024-08-10 03:49:53
Crab Rave Noisestorm 20 89612 -10388 -4155 100000 2024-08-10 03:47:03
FAR OUT Tokyo Machine 24 71206 -28794 -16585 100000 2024-08-10 03:24:54
Accelerate Teminite & Skybreak 24 9618 -90382 -52060 100000 2024-08-10 04:11:29