Total World Records: ??
Country: US

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Song Title Artist Level Score Delta Ranking Gap Grade WR Date
Remember December Smiley 22 83383 -16617 -8043 100000 2024-05-18 19:59:26
Who KaW 21 67081 -32919 -14517 100000 2024-05-25 19:26:19
Bloodrush TechnoDred 26 1168 -98832 -66810 100000 2024-05-15 18:53:48
Ize Pie Headtwist & Pump 19 43000 -57000 -20577 100000 2024-06-12 20:45:13
Psalm Pilot Jason Creasey 20 80608 -19392 -7757 100000 2024-05-15 20:31:14
Temple Of Boom Yannis Kamarinos 23 80283 -19717 -10430 100000 2024-08-10 19:08:44
Feel The Melody S3RL feat. Sara 20 76304 -23696 -9478 100000 2024-05-22 19:09:37
Gargoyle Sanxion7 24 27064 -72936 -42011 100000 2024-05-15 19:10:53
Xuxa Smiley 23 74076 -25924 -13714 100000 2024-05-15 18:56:27
Bumble Bee Bambee 20 81050 -18950 -7580 100000 2024-06-12 20:53:14
Esperanza KaW 22 62875 -37125 -17969 100000 2024-06-12 20:47:47
Pink Dinosaur Miss Papaya 19 84206 -15794 -5702 100000 2024-06-12 21:12:30
Anubis Banzai 20 83531 -16469 -6588 100000 2024-05-29 21:08:18
July ReduX Entity 23 24867 -75133 -39745 100000 2024-06-08 19:35:18
Delirium Smiley 23 20871 -79129 -41859 100000 2024-05-18 20:03:14
Charlene Missing Heart 22 78268 -21732 -10518 100000 2024-06-08 19:22:12
Summer Smiley 25 4768 -95232 -59520 100000 2024-05-18 18:24:30
Temple Of Love E-Rotic 21 4822 -95178 -41973 100000 2024-06-22 23:28:52
Energizer ZiGZaG 23 21577 -78423 -41486 100000 2024-06-03 01:05:44
Lemmings On The Run E-Rotic 21 20546 -79454 -35039 100000 2024-05-15 20:27:21
Forever and a Day Dy5on feat. Silver Angelina 22 75414 -24586 -11900 100000 2024-06-12 21:08:04
Elysium Scott Brown 21 75886 -24114 -10634 100000 2024-05-15 18:50:22