
Total World Records: ??
Country: US

Stars Earned

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World mode enabled - Comparing scores to current world records.

Song Title Artist Level Score Delta Ranking Gap Grade WR Date
Think Thousand Thoughts Auvic 20 669 -99331 -39732 100000 2024-03-06 04:21:49
Megalovania Toby Fox 21 31642 -68358 -30146 100000 2024-03-06 04:26:13
Ma Huggies FIG & Nico Sleator 20 8258 -91742 -36697 100000 2024-02-28 05:07:29
Silent Movie Little Violet 19 5829 -94171 -33996 100000 2024-02-13 01:27:04
Orbit Ellis 19 28423 -71577 -25839 100000 2024-04-04 04:47:08